BlogJanuary 20, 20230Happy Friday


Happy Friday. It was nice to have some of the Irish evcoms crew in the office this week. We had pressing matters to attend to and all are now resolved see below:

– Choose where to put the new pool table – DONE
– Confirm said pool table is level – WIP
– Ensure the pool table is broken in – DONE
– Confirm you can distinguish the best pool cue – DONE
– Crown an evcoms pool champion – DONE (Brian Fitzpatrick)
– AOB (discussed while playing pool) – DONE

As you can see we covered all the main points in this meeting!

We, as a company, are encouraging healthy habits in 2023 (100 days of walking, staff training plans, feedback forums, and regular contact regardless of location). Its vital we are focussed on our goals in evcoms, but its just as important to enjoy the downtime.

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
~ Vince Lombardi

Happy Friday!

#evcoms #work #training #success #fun #happyfriday


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